Grand Opening of The DeLong Co., Inc. Agricultural Maritime Export Facility
The facility, located on the west side of Jones Island, will be one of the first on the Great Lakes – St. Lawrence Seaway (GLSLS) system to handle various agricultural commodities via truck, rail and international vessel, including Dried Distillers Grains with Solubles (DDGs). DDGs are an animal feed supplement derived as a byproduct of ethanol high in nutrients. This facility will open Wisconsin’s maritime and agricultural economies to new international markets for this and other products. Future service at the facility may also include the export of Wisconsin-grown soybeans, corn and grain.
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation has estimated the DeLong terminal will generate $63 million in new statewide economic impact annually, increasing exports through Port Milwaukee by as much as 400,000 metric tons per year.
This development is the largest one-time investment in Port Milwaukee since the 1950s. Port Milwaukee was one of the first nationwide grant recipients of the Port Infrastructure Development Program (PIDP) through the U.S. Department of Transportation. Additional facility funding has been provided by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Port Milwaukee, and The DeLong Co., Inc.

U.S. Shipping Companies Invest in Great Lakes
Critical maintenance is well underway on the U.S.-flagged fleet of lakers tied up at ports across the Great Lakes region in anticipation of the upcoming navigation season. Hundreds of skilled... Read More

Clean Energy Win for Port of Detroit
Over the last few years, the Detroit/Wayne County Port Authority has developed an extensive air quality improvement and decarbonization plan to address environmental and energy issues related to port operations.... Read More