Two Great Lakes Ports Receive MARAD Funding
The Agricultural Maritime Export Facility at Port Milwaukee will receive $9,276,352 in funding for Phase 2 of its expansion project. The money will be used to construct two grain storage silos, make electrical service upgrades and fund the purchase of additional grain and cargo handling equipment to expand the capacity of the port to handle the movement of grain commodities.
The Port of Ogdensburg received $5,107,649 in funding for its terminal expansion project. The project includes an approximately 435-linear-foot expansion of the Port of Ogdensburg’s main dock terminal along with installation of a mooring dolphin system and associated dredging necessary to establish a new roughly 100-foot-wide by 500-foot-long berthing area immediately adjacent to the new terminal dock wall structure.
Projects were selected based on their ability to improve the safety, efficiency or reliability of the movement of goods, as well as how well they would improve port resilience. Other factors included the amount of non-federal funding an applicant committed to the project and how well the project enhanced economic vitality, supported workforce development and addressed climate change and sustainability.

U.S. Shipping Companies Invest in Great Lakes
Critical maintenance is well underway on the U.S.-flagged fleet of lakers tied up at ports across the Great Lakes region in anticipation of the upcoming navigation season. Hundreds of skilled... Read More

Clean Energy Win for Port of Detroit
Over the last few years, the Detroit/Wayne County Port Authority has developed an extensive air quality improvement and decarbonization plan to address environmental and energy issues related to port operations.... Read More