UK Sustainability Firm Expands to Chicago
A UK-based sustainability consultancy firm has announced plans to expand to the United States. Tunley Environmental LLC will be based in Chicago. Dr. Will Beer, founder of Tunley Environmental, stated the rapid growth in U.S. decarbonization and sustainability is the driving demand for expansion. Tunley’s U.S. client base represents one third of its $1.6 million turnover.
Tunley was founded in Leeds, a city in Yorkshire, England, in 2018. Beer said the firm is already working with a number of Great Lakes ports, helping them decarbonize by applying for funding via Environmental Protection Agency’s $3.2 billion Clean Ports Program. Tunley Environmental LLC hopes to expand that work more broadly across U.S. coastal and inland ports.
The Detroit/Wayne County Port Authority, in conjunction with Tunley Environmental, recently revealed details of a program to dramatically improve air quality by cutting carbon emissions to net zero by 2040. Immediate actions highlighted in the plan, which was funded by the state of Michigan, include the introduction of biodiesel and the transition to electric and hydrogen powered port equipment and trucks, as well as the continued research for a zero-emission fuel for cargo ships.

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