FY2024 Great Lakes Navigation Budget Breakdown
Navigation O&M
$67.2M Primary Dredging 3.05M cu yds
$1.65M Alpena Harbor
$1.12M Black River (Port Huron)
$1.57M Burns Harbor
$3.37M Calumet Harbor and River
$2.20M Channels in Lake St. Clair
$8.53M Cleveland Harbor
$2.08M Conneaut Harbor
$3.26M Detroit River
$4.39M Duluth-Superior Harbor
$0.96M Grand Haven Harbor
$2.90M Green Bay Harbor
$1.53M Holland Harbor
$4.09M Indiana Harbor
$1.85M Keweenaw Waterway
$2.96M Lorain Harbor
$1.12M Michigan City Harbor
$2.85M Monroe Harbor
$1.07M Presque Isle Harbor
$1.83M Rouge River
$2.87M Saginaw River
$1.12M Sandusky Harbor
$1.91M St. Clair River
$1.01M St. Joseph Harbor
$3.21M St. Marys River
$6.33M Toledo Harbor
$1.47M Waukegan Harbor
$11.83M Project Condition Surveys
$26.9M Lock Operation and Maintenance
$2.22M Black Rock Lock
$3.56M Chicago Lock
$0.06M Inland Route
$21.06M Soo Locks
$3.10M Black Rock Lock Asset Renewal
$3.00M Installation of Upper Miter Gates
$0.10M Design of Chamber Resurfacing
$3.46M Chicago Lock Asset Renewal
$2.50M Relocation of Utility Power Feed
$0.16M Replacement of Communications System
$0.80M Construction of Power Distribution Upgrades
$68.2M Soo Locks Asset Renewal/Maintenance
$37.00M Design and Procurement of Marine Lifting Equipment
$12.00M Design and Construction for Rehab of North Side of West Center Pier
$6.00M Design and Construction of Poe Lock Dewatering Emergency Bulkhead
$3.00M West Center Pier Safety, Security, and Lighting Replacement
$2.70M Construction of Poe Lock Stop Log Recess Repairs
$2.30M Condition and Functionality Assessment of St Marys River Ice Islands
$2.00M Design/Repair of Gate 3 Structural Defects
$1.10M Improvements to Facilities Sustainment Management System
$0.98M Disposal of Sabin and Davis Lock Gates
$0.75M Design for Rehab of South Side of West Center Pier
$0.32M Rehab of Facility Service Access Road
$13.4M Floating Plant Fleet Repair (Calumet, Cleveland, Conneaut, Duluth-Superior, Fairport, Milwaukee, Two Harbors)
$7.81M Strike Removal
$3.15M Detroit River
$0.64M St. Clair River
$4.02M St. Marys River
$13.95M Dredged Material Management
$2.79M CDF Fill Management (Calumet, Duluth, Milwaukee)
$5.81M CDF Maintenance (Detroit, Indiana, Saginaw, St. Clair)
$5.04M CDF Operations (Cleveland, Indiana, Saginaw)
$0.30M Dredged Material Management Plan and Assessment (Green Bay)
$50.5M Structure Design, Maintenance, and Repairs
$0.20M Barcelona Harbor – Design of West Breakwater Grouting Repairs
$0.01M Cheboygan Harbor – Critical Breakwater Safety Maintenance
$5.00M Chicago Harbor – Construction of Eastern Outer Breakwater Repairs
$4.50M Chicago Harbor – Design and Construction of Extension Breakwater
$0.25M Fairport Harbor – Design of West Breakwater Repair
$0.30M Great Sodus Bay Harbor – Design of East Breakwater Repair
$2.00M Kewaunee Harbor – Design and Construction of South Harbor Wall
$0.25M Lorain Harbor – Design of West Breakwater Repair
$12.00M Manitowoc Harbor – Construction of North and South Breakwater Repairs
$10.0M Oswego Harbor – Construction of Outer West Breakwater Repair
$16.00M Vermillion Harbor – Design and Construction of East and West Pier Repairs
$0.85M Sediment Sampling & Analysis (Erie, Manistique, Marquette, Ogdensburg, Two Rivers)
$0.96M Real Estate Management for Navigation
$0.43M Regional Navigation Structures Historic Report
$0.22M Environmental Compliance (Black Rock Channel, Calumet, Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, Duluth-Superior, Grand Haven, Indiana, St Marys River, Toledo)
$0.24M Cultural Resources (Black Rock Lock, Detroit, Duluth-Superior, Grand Haven, Kewaunee, Keweenaw, St Marys River)
$0.60M Dam/Bridge Safety (Charlevoix, Chicago, Indiana, St Marys River)
$3.08M St. Marys River/Soo Locks Security and Grounds (Estimated Nav Business Line Portion)
$1.18M Lake Michigan Diversion – Water Management
$0.25M Ice Study for Soo Locks Operating Season
$0.12M Harbor Structure Maintenance Plan (Cleveland)
$0.27M Breakwater Assessment Team
$0.27M Regional Economic Data Collection
$0.24M Industrial Hygiene Services (Detroit, Duluth-Superior, St. Marys River)

Western Reserve Discovered in Lake Superior
Images courtesy of Great Lakes Shipwreck Historical Society The Great Lakes Shipwreck Historical Society (GLSHS) has announced the discovery of the Western Reserve. The 300-foot steel steamer sank in Lake... Read More

How the New Administration Addresses the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway System
Experts and executives are expecting that the Trump administration could bring significant changes to Great Lakes maritime traffic and ports. Small changes could have real economic impacts on many companies... Read More