Ohio Supreme Court Rules Lake Erie Offshore Wind Project Can Move Forward
In the 6-1 ruling, the court found that the Ohio Power Siting Board properly issued a permit that allows construction of Icebreaker Wind to move ahead.
One-third of the power from the wind farm is already under contract with the City of Cleveland and Cuyahoga County and with its permit secure, LEEDCo can now focus on marketing the remaining two-thirds of the electricity it will produce.
The company proposes to construct a six-turbine wind farm about 10 miles off the coast of Lake Erie near Cleveland.

U.S. Shipping Companies Invest in Great Lakes
Critical maintenance is well underway on the U.S.-flagged fleet of lakers tied up at ports across the Great Lakes region in anticipation of the upcoming navigation season. Hundreds of skilled... Read More

Clean Energy Win for Port of Detroit
Over the last few years, the Detroit/Wayne County Port Authority has developed an extensive air quality improvement and decarbonization plan to address environmental and energy issues related to port operations.... Read More