SOCP Releases Updated SASH Best Practices Guide for U.S. Maritime Industry

By GLSR Staff  |  Latest News, Maritime Initiatives, Operations
The Ship Operations Cooperative Program (SOCP) has released the updated Best Practices Guide (BPG) on the Prevention of and Response to Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault in the U.S. Merchant Marine. 

The BPG also addresses retaliation, bullying, hazing, coercion, stalking and other prohibited behaviors in the U.S. Maritime Industry; and encourages bystander intervention. 

The SOCP’s Achieving a Respectful Onboard Culture (AROC) Technical Team, with industry input, developed the updated Best Practices Guide under a cooperative agreement with the Maritime Administration (MARAD) to support the Every Mariner Builds A Respectful Culture (EMBARC) Program and address issues affecting the shipboard climate in the U.S. Maritime Industry. SOCP developed this 2024 BPG in partnership with the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) to replace the previous 2017 version. 

The guide is intended for U.S. merchant mariners, shore-based employees, maritime operating companies, ship owners and operators, contractors and others who work in the industry. The guide is also intended for individuals who work in other segments of the U.S. maritime industry such as vessel husbanding agents, pilots, marine terminal employees, longshoremen, employees working in U.S. ports, shipbuilding and ship repair industry employees, cadets, and contractors, subcontractors and vendors interacting with merchant mariners. These best practices apply to all segments of the U.S. Merchant Marine including oceangoing, coastwise, Great Lakes, inland, harbor, towing, offshore industry, cruise, ferries, dredging, research vessels and government- owned vessels. 

Download the BPG here.


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