Viking Cruises

2024 Passenger Cruise Season Underway

The 2024 cruise season is officially underway on the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway System. The Port of Montreal celebrated the launch of the cruising season on May 4,... Read More

Preparing For The Unknown: Seaway, Port Officials Welcome First Ships Of 2022 Navigation Season

With the COVID-19 pandemic seeming to ebb, seaway and port officials are cautiously optimistic about the 2022 season. “It’s amazing how each navigation season has its own character and its... Read More

Cruising Back In: Passenger Ships Set to Return to Great Lakes/Seaway in 2022

Passenger cruises will have been absent from the Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Seaway for two seasons when they return in next season. “2020 bookings were headed for the highest-ever passenger count... Read More